
Bus Collision In Sacramento Leaves Woman With Brain Injury, Part 5 of 7

(Please note: the names and locations of all parties have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the proceedings.)

In June 2005, Dr. Y. recommended to Dr. S. that Diane Cash be evaluated by a neuropsychologist in order to assess the extent of cognitive impairment resulting from the brain damage. In addition to continuing to treat with Dr. S., Dr. C. and Dr. Y., as instructed, Ms. Cash obtained a neuropsychological examination from James W., Ph.D., a licensed psychologist, beginning in August 2005. The neuropsychological evaluation, completed in early 2006, revealed, on the basis of extensive testing, that Ms. Cash had sustained brain damage resulting in considerable loss of cognitive function. Dr. W. also concluded, on the basis of the administered testing, that Ms. Cash’s anxiety and mild to moderate depression, experienced following the bus collision, were sequelae of physical injury to the brain, and not of psychopathology.

Dr. W. declared under oath as follows: The extensive neuropsychological testing conducted during the evaluation of Diane Cash evidenced that Ms. Cash sustained acute physical injury to the brain. The organic brain damage sustained by Ms. Cash has resulted in significant loss of cognitive function. Additionally, as a result of the physical injury to the brain, Ms. Cash suffers from decreased memory, inability to concentrate, mental fatigue, anxiety, irritability, mild to moderate depression, vertigo, stammering, stuttering, blurred vision and headache.

The testing conducted of Diane Cash evidences that these are all sequelae of physical injury to the brain, and not of emotional injury or psychopathology. I further note that the testing is designed to reveal malingering, and revealed no malingering on the part of Ms. Cash. (See Part 6 of 7.)

For more information you are welcome to contact Sacramento personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.