
El Dorado Hills Woman Injured By Sacramento Bus, Part 6 of 7

(Please note: the names and locations of all parties have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the proceedings.)

In 2006, Diane Cash continued to treat with Drs. S. and C., and continued counseling with Dr. Y., for her continuing injuries sustained in the bus accident. In Interrogatory Responses of January 19, 2006, Diane Cash described her continuing symptoms as follows:

Response to Interrogatory 6.4:

Plaintiff continues to have the following: loss of balance, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, impaired speech, disorientation, blurred vision, to be emotionally labile, memory loss, decreased mentation, passivity, difficulty making decisions, loss of confidence, depression, difficulty walking, preclusion from driving. Plaintiff also continues to have pain and/or discomfort at the top of his head, forehead and behind her eyes, and in her back, right foot, and right shoulder (including an area underneath the clavicle).

Diane Cash remained disabled by her injuries in 2006. She continued to take medication prescribed by Dr. S., for vertigo, nausea, depression and pain. She was referred for speech therapy in 2005, continuing into 2006. Ms. Cash used a cane and/or a walker to ambulate, and received some home health care from Professional Health Care providers.

On October 24, 2006, neurologist Dr. S., plaintiff’s primary treating physician for her injuries, described his continuing treatment of Diane Cash as follows: “Ms. Cash was referred to me for monitoring of treatment of brain damage sustained in a bus accident where her head hit the ground. Ms. Cash’s symptoms of physical brain damage include headache, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, loss of balance, blurred vision, memory loss, decreased mental ability and comprehension, and impaired speech. I have treated Diane Cash for these symptoms for the last one-and-a-half years. Ms. Cash’s symptoms are within the acknowledged range of symptoms caused by brain damage.

Diane Cash has received conservative medical treatment for injuries sustained in the bus collision. She has been prescribed medication, physical therapy and speech therapy. The consequences of the brain damage sustained by Ms. Cash in the bus collision are serious and disabling. Ms. Cash is unable to work or drive as a result of these injuries, and she experiences great physical discomfort in the form of continuing nausea, vomiting and vertigo.”

In recent Supplemental Answers to Form Interrogatories of November 23, 2006, Ms. Cash described her continuing symptoms as follows:

Answer (Supplemental) to Interrogatory No. 6.3:

The loss of balance, dizziness, memory loss, decreased mentation, difficulty making decisions, loss of confidence, difficulty walking and preclusion from driving, remain the same. There has been some improvement or reduction in nausea, vomiting, speech impairment, passivity, crying and depression. There has been considerable improvement in blurred vision. There has been considerable improvement in physical discomfort, apart from back pain, which continues. Ms. Cash does not know to what extent the improvement in hier symptoms result from medications she is taking. Her symptoms are worse when she is physically active, such as attending appointments, shopping for food, getting in and out of taxis, and when she is under stress or time pressure (i.e, is unable to proceed slowly). (See Part 7 of 7.)

For more information you are welcome to contact Sacramento personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.