
How to Avoid a Car Accident in Sacramento

Unless your name is Evil Knievel, you are probably a person who likes to avoid perilous situations while driving your car. Here are a few suggestions that might help:

1. Never drink and drive,
2. Don’t speak on your cell phone without a hands-free device,
3. Check your side-view and rear-view mirrors often, and

4. Avoid Watt Avenue.

While the first three suggestions are fairly common, if not well-followed by most drivers across the country, the fourth is probably new to you.

According to a report by Caltrans, called the “5 Percent Report,” Watt Avenue is among the most dangerous streets in California. The report is based upon the crash rates on half-mile segments of streets between 2004 and 2006. The study included local cities Folsom, Orangevale, Rancho Cordova, CItrus Heights, Carmichel, Roseville, Placerville, and others. The city of Sacramento is the second most crash-prone city in California, with nearly 100 high- accident “hot spots.” Of those one hundred hot spots, 9 are situated along Watt Avenue.

According to the Sacramento Bee, Watt is prone to car accidents because it is one of the few streets that not only crosses the American River but also connects Highway 50 and Interstate 80. The high number of streets that pour into it and the nearby popular Arden Fair mall doesn’t help either. For more information you are welcome to contact Sacramento personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.

California Highway Patrol’s Lizz Dutton commented to the Bee,

It’s an aggressive street. It’s so busy, and people are coming at you from every direction.

The CHP reports there have been over 8,000 car accidents on the well-travelled street in the last decade.

Watt is not alone among Sacramento’s streets condemned by Caltrans’ report: Highway 99 near 12th Avenue keeps it company, as do sections along the Northgate, Folsom, Fair Oaks, and Stockton boulevards, and several other areas in South Lake Tahoe.

In areas such as these, as well as many others, car accidents occur every day. Accordingly, it never hurts to follow basic driver courtesy and rules of the road to stay safe while traveling by automobile.

For more information you are welcome to contact Sacramento personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.