
Pedestrian In Sacramento Suffers Brain Injury In Bus Collision, Part 4 of 7

(Please note: the names and locations of all parties have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the proceedings.)

On Monday, February 9, 2005, Diane Cash obtained further treatment for her bus collision injuries from her primary care physician, Kerry C., M.D., in Sacramento. Dr. C. reported the bus accident, and he noted complaints of nausea, rib pain and cervical radiculopathy. At her re-examination on February 17, 2005, Ms. Cash continued to have head pain, to feel slow and confused, as well as having continued neck and back pain. Dr. C. believed that Ms. Cash was suffering from post-concussion syndrome, and he ordered a CT Scan of Ms.Cash’s head and neck.

Diane Cash returned as instructed for further examination by Dr. C. on March 1, 12, 15, 22 and 29, 2005. Ms. Cash continued to have constant right-sided headache, where her head struck the pavement the pain was only slightly relieved by medication. She continued to feel slow and drowsy, and to have blurred vision. There was related neck, right shoulder, knee and right heel pain. Dr. C.’s diagnosis was of post-concussion syndrome with attendant concern for traumatic head injury. Dr. C. prescribed physical therapy and referred Ms. Cash for consultation for head injury to a neurologist, Roberta S., M.D.

On April 5, 2005, Diane Cash was examined by Board Certified Neurologist, Roberta S., M.D. Dr. S. reported bifrontal and occipital headaches, blurred vision, positional imbalance, slow thinking and reduced memory, as well as low back, hip, right side, knee and heel pain. The physical complaints of heel pain improved somewhat since the time of the collision. Ms. Cash was taking Neurontin, Flexeril, and Ibuprofen as prescribed. Dr. S.’s diagnosis was of post-traumatic head syndrome, with reduced memory, slowed mentation, positional vertigo and post-traumatic headache, and paraspinal thoracic and lumbar strains. Dr. S. prescribed continued Neurontin and Ibuprofen, and advised Dr. C. that Ms. Cash would continue to be disabled from her job as an architect, at least through June 1, 2005.

Diane Cash continued to treat, as instructed, with Dr. S. and Dr. C. for the injuries sustained in the bus accident. Ms. Cash continued to have headache, difficulty with memory, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, as well as right sided and back pain. She was forgetful, easily irritated and passive in her dealings with others. Much of the time she felt like she had just stepped off of a merry-go-round. Additionally, following the collision, her speech had become impaired.

In April, 2005, Dr. S. recommended that Ms. Cash obtain counseling in order to deal with the continuing injuries. As recommended by Dr. S., Diane Cash began counseling with Elaine Y., Ph.D., in Sacramento in May of 2005. Dr. Y. reported that her goal in counseling Ms. Cash, a high-level professional, was to help Ms. Cash adjust to brain injury and disability due to being hit by a bus. Dr. Y. noted that due to closed head injury, [Ms. Cash was] experiencing intense anxiety and sadness about loss of prior level of cognitive functioning. (See Part 5 of 7.)

For more information you are welcome to contact Sacramento personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.