(Please note: the names and locations of all parties have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the proceedings.)
I planned on traveling a lot when I retire. And along with my backyard, I planned on traveling and now I have to make special plans. I don’t know what I’m going to do about traveling. I know I have checked into airlines. I can’t travel with the wheelchair. I just don’t have the desire like I did before. I hope I can get that desire back. I want to travel and do things.
I spend a lot of my time in my room doing nothing where I used to keep busy. I was never, you know, kids think I was a workaholic. I couldn’t sit down more than 10, 15 minutes. I’d never watch TV, because I would always get up and do things out in my backyard. Now I just seem to sit all the time.
I’m trying to change that somewhat, but I’ll never get back to where, I guess, where I was where – – I was always getting up and working in my yard. I love my yard and I wanted to plan on doing that.
I have to – – I put down pee in a bag here, but it’s to urinate in a bag. I have a Foley in my thing so I have to keep it clean and have to change it, the Foley every two weeks or every two months at lease. I have to irrigate it and have to learn a lot about how to take care of it where I didn’t have to, of course, before.
I can’t keep my room clean. I have to have somebody come over, usually my sister comes over and helps me. My son helps me a lot, but we’re trying to get a better relationship with my son and we haven’t done a lot together, but we’re trying to get a better relationship.
My sister helps me clean the room. My niece comes over and helps me. I can’t make my own bed. If I want to change sheets, I can’t get around the bed to make my – – make my own. Sweeping the floor puts a lot of strain on me because I can’t pick up the stuff after I get done sweeping it. I did drink a lot of water to keep my Foley from plugging up.”
Page 189, line 11 through page 190, line 25:
“I need someone to fix my meals. Again, I can probably microwave, yeah, I can make a TV dinner or something, I guess.
Take care and change my back daily. On my back two or three times a day, it has to be done. They want three times a day. They did want two, now it’s three times a day. It’s very difficult to get my son to do that, but he’s doing it now and I think for the first time he really understands it has to be done.
He has to pick me up when I fall and I have done that more than I like to think about. It’s very embarrassing to have to fall, and not only embarrassing, it hurts. And I can’t get myself up off the floor. They tried showing me in therapy how to get up and they can’t – – it took three of them, therapists, to help me get up off the floor. It hasn’t worked out what they’re trying to do.
I’m a big guy and really too fat maybe, but I just have a hard time getting up. If there was a fire in my house I don’t know if I could get out of the house or not without help. I think maybe I could, I hope I can. But I get real nervous if things happen like have a bowel movement, I have an accident in bed. I get so mad I just don’t even care if I get out of bed, but if I have a fire, I don’t know what would happen.
I don’t know if I could stand the strain of getting out of the – – into my wheelchair and then out the door or not. I would be scared at – – my house is old and any house could burn down. I had a couple kids burn down – – burn themselves – – the house down several years ago next door over and I’ll never forget that.
I need someone to clean my yard. The house where I used to take care of, I used to do all that. Now I can’t do that, so I need somebody to help me constantly. It’s a shame.
I need somebody to take me to the doctor. My son takes me to the hospital five times in one month. Takes me to the food store. I can’t do that by myself. Anyplace I got to go, I have got to have somebody help me.”
Plaintiff will consider settlement with individual defendants. (END.)
For more information you are welcome to contact Sacramento personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.