
Sacramento Parents File Lawsuit For Twins’ Birth Injuries, Part 1 of 3

(Please note: the names and locations of all parties have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the participants in this birth injury/personal injury case and its proceedings.)


Plaintiffs William White and Joan White submit the following trial brief in the above entitled matter.

Plaintiffs: William White and Joan White
Defendants: Cindy Brown, M.D., and SAC Medical Group

Plaintiff, Joan White, began seeing Dr. Brown prior to or at the beginning of her pregnancy with her son, Ethan, who was born XX/XX/2003. During the pregnancy, Ms. White had an abnormal PAP smear. As a result of that abnormal PAP smear, on May 27, 2003, she underwent a colposcopy and a LEEP procedure, during which a portion of the cervix where the abnormal tissue is present is removed. This process can lead to an incompetent cervix and put Ms. White at high risk for pre-term labor.

In November of 2003, Ms. White discovered she was pregnant again, and started her prenatal care with Dr. Brown. In December of 2003, an ultrasound was performed and it was determined that Ms.. White was pregnant with twins. The ultrasound was performed in December by a radiologist at SanSkid Imaging Center. In February and March of 2004, Dr. Brown performed ultrasounds in her office; however, they were grossly inadequate and did not come close to complying with the guidelines set forth by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Ms. White began experiencing dizziness and lack of energy for which Dr. Brown recommended increasing her iron intake. Ms. White asked Dr. Brown if she could go on disability, and Dr. Brown advised her that it was too early in the pregnancy. (See Part 2 of 3.)

For more information you are welcome to contact Sacramento personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.