
Roseville Hospital Patient Paralyzed, Part 19 of 23.

(Please note: the names and locations of all parties have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the proceedings.)

Page 30, lines 12 through 14:

“MR. COLLINS: Q. You said Dr. Y. was concerned about osteomyelitis under that area, right?
A. Under that infected wound.”

Page 43, lines 8 through 12:

“MR. COLLINS: Q. I’ll do it this way. Sir, you’ve been trained – you’ve had training on how to – what to do on a physical exam to rule in or out osteomyelitis, right?
A. Yes.”

Page 50, lines 2 through 15:

“Q. Did you perform a percussive exam of Mr. Smith’s back?

A. No.

Q. Or spine?

A. No.

Q. Have you been trained that that is one of the tools to diagnose

A. If you’re thinking about it.

Q. So you have been trained that’s one of the tools, true?

A. If you think this might be some infection, yes, you can percuss there, yes.

Q. But you didn’t do it?
A. I didn’t think there was any need for it.”

Page 81 lines 8 through 16:

“Q. I’m not asking you about individuals. I’m just asking you to give me a percentage of what you believe what percentage of the population being treated for infectious diseases, Staph diseases, at ABC Hospital in 2002 were finally diagnosed with MRSA?
A. It could vary depending on the patient from say one or two percent to 15 to 20 percent. It varies on the type of patient who comes there. And that’s my job to kind of guess at that time or decide.”

Page 82, lines 4 through 10:

“MR. COLLINS: Q. Okay. Now, what is the appropriate antibiotic for someone who has methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus [MRSA]?
A. Once it’s proved, right after taking the history of a patient, I think there is a

possibility of MRSA, then appropriate antibiotic is – at that time was vancomycin. (See Part 20 of 23.)

For more information you are welcome to contact Sacramento personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.