
Sacramento Women File Sexual Harassment Suit, Part 5 of 8.


Ms. White had previously worked for Jim Phillips. On September 23, 2005, she was rehired by ABC Automobiles work in its Sacramento location under Bill Armstrong and David Stevens.

While working at ABC Automobiles she observed daily Mr. Stevens’ unlawful sexual conduct directed towards herself and other females.

Once while wearing a longer skirt and reaching into the refrigerator, a split in her skirt fell open partially revealing her thigh. David Stevens reached out and touched her thigh. Ms. White strongly reprimanded him. David Stevens touched Ms. White weekly, always against her will. In April 2006, he tried to kiss her. She immediately pushed him away.

Mr. Stevens often grabbed Ms. White’s shoulders and said “Hi, sexy!”

Mr. Stevens announced to the office that he was dating one of the female applicants that he was in charge of. He instructed the women in the office, including Ms. White, that if his wife called they should lie about his whereabouts if he was out with the female applicant.

The office staff went to a “crab feed” fundraiser for the Lion’s Club. Ms. White and her husband, Steve, attended as did David Stevens and his wife. David chose a seat next to Ms. White. During the meal David Stevens reached under the table and began touching Ms. White’s leg; she was frightened, embarrassed and humiliated. She was afraid to tell her husband, not knowing what would happen. Ms. White moved away from Mr. Stevens and left the fundraiser early without telling her husband.

Ms. White weekly saw David Stevens sexually harass young female job applicants. She heard both Mr. Stevens and Mr. Armstrong comment loudly whenever a pretty young girl would walk past the front window.

When Ms. White got flowers from her husband delivered to her at the office, David Stevens commented loudly for everyone to hear, including Bill Armstrong, “Ms. White, you had better take good care of him tonight!”
Ms. White repeatedly complained about Mr. Stevens’ unlawful behavior to Regional Director Bill Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong did nothing, often saying, “Oh, that’s just David.”

Ms. White finally met with Bill Armstrong at an IHOP Restaurant in April 2006. She warned Mr. Armstrong again about David Stevens’ unlawful behavior. She told him that Mr. Stevens’ conduct could cause a lot of legal trouble for ABC Automobiles. Mr. Armstrong just shrugged his shoulders and said, “That is just David being David.” (See Part 6 of 8.)

For more information you are welcome to contact Sacramento personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.