
Spinal Cord Injury Yearly Costs: Info for You and Your Lawyer

At the Law Offices of Moseley Collins, we know that a spinal cord injury incurred from a serious accident has many detrimental implications. They can be emotional, financial, or purely and solely logistical. For one, the loss or partial loss of feeling and motion is a tremendous hardship for one to bear. I can’t begin to tell you how much I feel for those affected by something like it.

In addition to this loss, a person suffering from spinal cord injury will incur numerous costs throughout their lifetime. The financial costs associated with something as life-changing as this are surely worth of reflection. I would like to share some information I found relevant when I was researching for a case I am representing. I believe it is a helpful tool to use if you or someone you love has suffered from this type of injury.

The list below indicates the average yearly expenses as of May 2006 for injuries of varying severity. The first number is the average cost for the initial year and the following number is the average cost for each subsequent year. This gives us an extremely useful piece of information regarding the estimated costs for those facing such situations.

High Tetraplegia (C1-C4): $741,425 + $132,807/each year
Low Tetraplegia (C5-C8) : $478,782 + $54,400/each year
Paraplegia: $270,913 + $27,568/each year

Incomplete Motor Functional at any Level: $218,504 + $15,313/each year

As you can see, the role of a lawyer reaches far beyond the courthouse. Information is key, and as a legal representative, I feel it’s part of my duty to also share the one I feel can be relevant for those in need. I hope this can somehow be of help, and remember: if you or a loved one has been injured in an accident and are now living with spinal cord injury, please give us a call at the Law Offices of Moseley Collins for advice and help.