
What You Should Know About Insurance Companies

Insurance companies have become contenders in a fight for the most customer-related television commercial lately. From quirky, sassy, truck stop waitress type salesgirls, to tiny, charming and charismatic if a bit sarcastic reptiles, these companies are battling it out to get your attention.

The catchy jingle from Nationwide Insurance, Nationwide is one your side, gets stuck in everyone’s head at least once a year. These companies try hard to get in your head and stay there. It isn’t just to offer you the best deal possible. They have motivations of their own.

Insurance companies are not founded by people with a deep seated need to give people gigantic amounts of money. These types of companies are founded by people that believe shareholders will invest and they will make a profit from those investments.

All the attention getting commercials that make us laugh or evoke compassion or tug at our heartstrings or make us sing their name over and over are simply there to influence our choice in who we will invest our insurance dollars with. It is a business. They want our money. It’s that simple.

Once you get past those sappy commercials and quit giggling long enough to realize that insurance companies are a business it becomes easier to understand how they work. To continue to make money for their investors, they must pay as little as possible on each claim. Their main purpose is to make money, right? So it makes perfect sense that they would employ adjusters to find any and every way possible to avoid paying the full value of a claim in order to make more money.

One of the many tactics insurance adjusters will use is to pressure the victim into taking a smaller amount. They are expert people readers and can often pick out the exact right things to say to make a person feel guilt or shame or other pressure to take a lower amount.

This is where a personal injury attorney comes into play. Attorneys in this arena of the law are used to the tricks and wordplay these insurance adjusters use. They purport a powerful leverage against an insurance company when it comes time to pay the claim. It is much harder to trick and confuse a personal injury legal expert than a victim of a complaint.

Moseley Collins has extensive experience in this type of case. He cannot be swayed by strategic tactics or pressured to accept an insufficient amount. He is honest with every client and provides knowledgeable insight as to the likelihood of winning a settlement and the amount that can be expected.

There are no surprises when you hire a personal injury attorney. They know how to deal with the insurance companies and are able to make sure you do not receive further injury. Everyone deserves to be compensated for injury in an accident. Do not settle for less.

Moseley Collins is available for consultation. Call our offices today.