
Woman From Sacramento Brain-Injured In Automobile Collision, Part 3 of 5

(Please note: the names and locations of all parties have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the participants in this brain injury/automobile accident case and its proceedings.)

Ms. Smith had been referred for a neuropsychological evaluation by Dr. Green but was unable to proceed because of the lack of finances. Subsequent, arrangements were made for her to have a neuropsychological evaluation which was recently completed. She was diagnosed as suffering from adjustment disorder (with depressed and anxious mood, moderate-severe). Significantly, the extensive testing established that there were no data to suggest that the patient is feigning or amplifying her current cognitive symptom presentation. In other words, “this patient is not malingering.”

On referral from the neuropsychologist, Ms. Smith has recently been evaluated by neurologist, Robert James, M.D. Dr. James has diagnosed Ms. Smith as suffering from cerebral concussion; postconcussive syndrome; posttraumatic headaches; chronic cervical musculoligamentous strain; chronic thoracic musculoligamentous 2.5 strain; chronic lumbosacral musculoligamentous strain; bilateral lower extremity restless leg syndrome; PTSD; and post-traumatic insomnia.

Ms. Smith has also undergone an extensive work up for her ongoing traumatic brain injury symptomotology from Joan John, M.D. The bottom line from Dr. John’s report is that Dr. John has established objective documentation to correlate Ms. Smith’s symptoms with a post-concussion syndrome. Dr. John has also outlined a cognitive rehabilitation program specifically designed to correct Ms. Smith’s cognitive and emotional deficits caused by the accident. This neurocognitive rehabilitation program will take approximately one year and a half to complete with Ms. Smith anticipated to make substantial recovery following completion of this extensive program.

Although she has partially completed the program, she has been hampered because of her lack of finances to pay for the program.

In the meantime, Ms. Smith has been attempting to follow the program as best she can at home. She utilizes a device known as a pROSHI performance enhancer home trainer device on a regular basis to help attempt this neurocognitive rehabilitation on her own.

However, Ms. Smith still remains unable to function anywhere near where she was before the accident. She is only able to function by focusing at one third of the day at a time: in other words, she deals with waking up through afternoon, afternoon until dinner and then dinner through sleep. She suffers from insomnia and physical limitations relating to her ongoing symptomotology. Essentially, she remains emotionally and physically drained and exhausted. (See Part 4 of 5.)

For more information you are welcome to contact Sacramento personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.