Brain Injuries And Communication

Communication involves speaking, listening, hand movements and observing facial expressions. A brain injury patient finds it difficult to maintain conversation or they may use improper tone of voice. Some patients find it difficult to determine the difference between a serious comment and a sarcastic remark. Some fail to understand a fast-paced conversation.

According to research, some brain injury patients find it difficult to take their turn in a conversation, while others are unable to find the right words in order to express themselves in speech or writing. Some patients who have serious brain injuries cannot understand conversations, books or newspapers. Some brain injury sufferers fly off the handle while communicating wither others.

Actually, brain injuries affect the thinking capability of the patient. As a result, it becomes a hurdle in the communication. The injuries may also affect their memory. They face difficulties remembering the names of their loved ones. While talking, they sometimes forget the topic they were talking about. Oftentimes, such patients cannot focus their concentration if there are some distractions. Organizing thoughts and avoiding confusion is a hard nut to crack for them. Communication problems make it harder for them to handle social situations. Some brain injury patients start blaming the person they are talking to.

When they are given too much information to handle, they face difficulties and fail to understand the meaning. If many people are speaking at a time, they lose attention and become confused. They are unable to follow instructions and take jobs seriously. Sometimes, they repeat the same thing time and again.

Actually, problem with communications after a brain injury depend upon the severity of the injuries and the part of the brain that received injuries. In such a situation, necessary steps should be taken in order to help the patient. Given below are some useful tips to help a brain injury patient recover from injuries.

First off, the patient should try their best to stay calm while understanding a problem. Plus, they should ask others to try to speak slowly. They should take their time while explaining. Also, factors that may cause distractions, such as TV should be turned off. Other people should repeat the same thing if the patient fails to understand.

You should give enough time to the patients to explain themselves. Do not ask them to make rush. Do not speak for them. Instead, spur on them to speak if they are hesitant to do so. Always, use short and easy to understand sentences. Lastly, do not interrupt the patient when he or she is speaking.

Communication is arguably the most important skills we have. Memory and cognitive problems can affect our communication so it is necessary to handle these problems in order to cope with the communication difficulties. As with other patients, brain injury patients also need assistance in order to recover. So, keep these points in mind when communicating and interacting with brain injury patients. Try to keep the brain injury patients happy. In return, you will also become happy.