Sacramento Car Accident Victim Suffers Multiple Injuries In Crash, Part 4 of 7

The following blog entry is written to illustrate a common motion filed during civil litigation. Reviewing this kind of filing should help potential plaintiffs and clients better understand how parties in personal injury cases present such issues to the court.

(Please also note: the names and locations of all parties have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the participants in this car versus bus accident lawsuit and its proceedings.)


Because of the pain and problems in her right ankle and right knee, she started to walk with an unnatural gait. This created pain in her hips. Now, however, she concentrates on walking with an appropriate gait, and the pain in her hips is going away.

Neck Pain:

The plaintiff experiences neck pain every hour of every day. The more active she is, the greater the pain. Sometimes it is a sharp pain, and other times it is a dull ache.


Plaintiffs neck pain seems to be associated with headaches. She has constant headaches dispersed throughout her head. The back of her head adjacent to her neck aches, but she also gets headaches toward the front and top of her head as well. For a while, doctors tried her on migraine medications, but they did not help. She claims that the migraine medication caused severe side affects that actually made things worse.

Vision Problems:

When plaintiff was first deposed in October of 2008, she described incidents where she would lose sight in both eyes as if a black curtain was descending over her eyeballs. In 2010, she described the problems with her vision a little differently.

For more information you are welcome to contact Sacramento personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.

Now, her vision problems affect primarily her left eye. It is an occasional thing where blackness seems to come from the side instead of from above. She gets a warning of impending sight loss which takes the form of a stabbing pain in the top of her head. Her headache then accelerates and she loses her vision. Her sight partially returns in about two minutes. It can take a couple of hours before her sight becomes fully normal. Plaintiffs eye sight in general terms has gotten worse over the last couple of years, and she believes this relates to the accident.


Ms. Anderson also describes dizziness or vertigo. It feels as if the room she is in is spinning around. This happens to her occasionally when she gets up from a sitting position.

Hands. Arms and Shoulders:

Both of plaintiffs hands are weak. It is hard for her to open jars. Sometimes, her hands go numb for no reason, like when she is holding a telephone or the steering wheel of her car. She believes she has carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists associated with the accident.
Plaintiffs arms can go numb from her hands all the way up to her shoulders. This sensation can occur in either arm. It is more common on the right side. She is right handed.

Plaintiff also has pain in both shoulders. She is not sure if that relates more to her neck problems or to her arm issues.

She experiences excruciating shoulder pain from normal activities such as vacuuming, sweeping or raking. Her shoulders then cramp. (See Part 5 of 7.)

For more information you are welcome to contact Sacramento personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.