Sacramento Family Sues Nursing Facility For Elder Abuse, Part 1 of 8

(Please note: the names and locations of all parties have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the participants in this elder abuse/personal injury case and its proceedings.)


The plaintiffs oppose the demurrer brought by defendant doctors White, Black, Greene, Brown, Smith, and James, because the plaintiffs have set out a reason why the statute of limitations was extended beyond one year and for the time it took to file the action and that the elements of a claim for elder abuse are stated. Moreover, if the court finds any deficiencies with the complaint, the plaintiffs seek leave to amend consistent with the statements made about their claims.


Overview of the Case.

This case is about the poisoning of Paul Steinford by means of multiple psycho tropic drugs that should never have been used but certainly should have been stopped when the symptoms started that lead to his death. Many of those symptoms are disclosed by the drug companies as side effects of the psycho tropic drugs. All of the treating doctors should have known that the drugs had those known side effects that included symptoms that Mr. Steinford exhibited to them including difficulty swallowing and toxicity. Dr. Washington arrived on April 26, 2005, just before Mr. Steinford’s untimely death, and removed him from the psycho tropic drugs, regrettably too late to reverse the effects of those drugs and save his life.

Dr. Washington is dismissed from this lawsuit and deeply thanked for his correct actions obviously reflecting knowledge and caring. We apologize for including him. The fact of his removing Mr. Steinford from the harmful drugs was just discovered. All doctors arriving on or after April 26, 2005 have been dismissed.

Tina Steinford, a distraught daughter of Paul Steinford, decided that her father should not have suffered and died but only could guess why. She did not have any material facts; did not have any medical records until April 2007; could not afford hiring a qualified doctor to investigate; and has no training in medicine or nursing. Her father was 84 years old, so a reasonable person does not normally suspect wrong doing or premature death. She did not know and the medical records did not disclose the known side effects of the psycho tropic drugs administered. Rather, those records refer to failures of the respiratory system, failure of the kidneys, sepsis and finally heart failure. Upset and too poor to pay for professionals she continuously sought help but did not find it until after she contacted the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. A referral from that group to this counsel lead to the prompt involvement of a doctor that understands that psycho tropic drugs poison older people. That immediately lead to the filing of this lawsuit. (See Part 2 of 8.)

For more information you are welcome to contact Sacramento personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.

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