San Francisco Woman Needs Several Surgeries to Repair Knee Damage In Malpractice Suit, Part 5 of 8

It is worth noting that situations similar to those described in this medical malpractice case could just as easily occur at any of the healthcare facilities in the area, such as Kaiser Permanente, UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco General, California Pacific Medical Center, or St. Francis Memorial Hospital.

(Please also note: the names and locations of all parties have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the participants in this personal injury case and its proceedings.)

Plaintiff presented to Dr. Hall for a postoperative visit on June 7, 2008. Plaintiff complained her stitches were bugging her and that they were tearing. Dr. Hall noted the incision was clean and dry and that plaintiff could do an SLR. An immobilizer was applied. Post op on June 14, 2008, Dr. Hall saw plaintiff for a follow-up visit. Plaintiff reported that she was doing okay. Plaintiff could do a SLR. By June 28, 2008, plaintiff presented to Dr. Hall for a follow-up visit. Plaintiff complained of left knee stiffness. Dr. Hall noted plaintiff had good quadriceps and the patella was centralized. Plaintiff had 75% flexion and appeared to be healing well.

For more information you are welcome to contact San Francisco personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.
Continuing, on July 19, 2008 plaintiff complained of left knee pain. Plaintiff could perform a good SLR but displayed a 10-degree lag. He also noted plaintiff had good flexion and the patella was tracking centrally. By August 16, 2008, however, plaintiff complained of soreness and tightness in her left knee. Dr. Hall noted her quadriceps range of motion and stability were excellent. Plaintiff discussed returning to work and Dr. Hall released her to return to work and follow-up as needed.

The plaintiff returned one week later on August 23, 2008 complaining of severe left knee pain. Dr. Hall did not observe any bruising, gaps or tears in the muscle, or bogginess like after the November 14 surgery, but instead noted that plaintiff had good range of motion and strong quadriceps. Dr. Hall advised plaintiff to follow up in three to four weeks.

When the plaintiff returned on September 13, 2008, she complained to a physician assistant that she could not walk without discomfort. However, Dr. Hall examined plaintiff while she was walking and observed her gait to be normal with no pain. Plaintiff described a feeling of insecurity with the patella. Dr. Hall noted plaintiffs quadriceps were intact with good tone and power. Range of motion was normal and she could perform SLR. He prescribed a stabilizing brace because he observed that the patella seemed to be off and told her to follow up in four weeks.

Plaintiff returned on October 6, 2008, complaining of severe pain and a burning sensation in her left knee. Dr. Hall found plaintiff’s quadriceps continuing to improve and had good strength, extension, and flexion. The x-rays were satisfactory with some lateral subluxation, but clinically, Dr. Hall felt plaintiff was doing well. The radiology report from this date showed approximately 50% lateral offset of the patella and prosthesis. However, according to Dr. Hall, because she was clinically doing well he was not impressed by the x-ray. This was plaintiff’s last interaction with Dr. Hall. Dr. Hall recommended a home exercise program. Plaintiff was advised to follow up in four weeks. (See Part 6 of 8.)

For more information you are welcome to contact San Francisco personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.