If you have filed a medical negligence claim, the amount of compensation you can obtain is dependent on a host of factors. Among the primary factors include pain and suffering you go through as a result of the injury. Aside from these, other factors, such as financial losses can also affect the amount of compensation you can recover. Given below is a description of the kinds of damages you can obtain in case of a medical malpractice claim. Read on to find out more.
General damages
The purpose of General damages, for the most part, is to compensate a victim for the severe pain he or she suffers from after sustaining an injury. The amount of general damages paid to the victim is figured out based on the same type of injuries people incurred in the past. So, judge announces his verdict by considering the past cases. Of course, every case is different and you will get more compensation if you sustained severe injuries. It is not possible to quantify general damages; therefore, the victim as well as the defendant has to agree to a certain amount. The court can also order to give a certain amount to the victim.
Special damages
Special damages, on the other hand, can be figured out. In order to calculate special damages, one needs to provide evidence in the form of hospital bills and receipts and other related documents. Basically, it includes the expenses along with financial loss incurred by you, and the loss you will incur down the road. Some examples of these damages are income loss, taxi fares, and hospital expenses just to name a few. So, if you have been a victim of medical negligence, hiring a good medical negligence lawyer is arguably the best idea.
Interim damages
In some medical negligence cases, the victim can recover interim damages. As the name clearly suggests, the interim damages can be paid out prior to the case reaches settlement. This is applicable in the type of cases in which the case has been settled and person who made the claim achieves success. However, with this amount they can deal with expenses during their injury period. In serious cases, interim payments are made where you have to wait for a long time to recover compensation from the defendant.
Time limits
If you want to file a claim against your hospital or doctor, then you should have an experienced medical malpractice lawyer on your side. Moreover, it should be kept in mind that you cannot win a case overnight. Every case is different from another and takes time to get resolved. So, you should have patience. If your case is simple, it will most likely resolve in a few months, but if it is complicated, you may have to wait for several months or years to hear good news. But a competent lawyer can win a case more easily and quickly than a non-competent one. So, keep these pointers in mind and hire a competent lawyer to get things done more easily. Hope this will help you get started.