Choosing a Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Do you want to file a case against your colleague who tried to harass you sexually? If so, you should consult a good sexual harassment lawyer in California. But your first step should be to consult the human resource department of the company where you work. Your second move should be to find a good lawyer and share your situation with him. But this step should be taken only if the HRM department gives no response to you.

In California, there are two types of harassment namely hospital environment and quid-pro-quo. Quid-pro-quo involves the exchange of favors of sexual nature in exchange for a benefit. In such situations, you, being a victim, can choose to file a case against the defendant or harasser.

In a hostile environment, you will feel uncomfortable on account of the actions or words of another employee or co-worker. The environment is of sexual nature in most cases. A common example is comment or joke of sexual nature. For example, in a situation, if one employee is telling jokes to another employee, and you overhear them, then you can also file a case against them. In the same way, offensive actions or comments reflecting an employee’s sexual orientation, race, religion or gender also come under the banner of a hostile environment. This is not a good thing. And if you become a victim of sexual harassment, you have the right to file a case.

Aside from notifying your organization’s human resource department, you can file a case. For this, it is better if you make a record of everything that happened with you. In other words, you should record the times as well as details of every event. Also, keep copies of offensive images or emails. These things will help your lawyer in order to represent you properly in the court of law.

The lawyer will also help you decide whether the illegal acts like discrimination also have taken place aside from the sexual harassment. In most cases, such actions happen in the workplace. If this has happened with you, then you will most likely get additional compensation.

When it comes to finding and hiring a lawyer in California, you can get recommendations from your trust worthy friends. In case you do not have a recommendation, you can talk to different lawyers prior to hiring one. It is better to choose one specializing in sexual harassment cases in California.

You should also ask about the experience of the lawyer in handling sexual harassment cases. Feel comfortable while consulting your lawyer. Share everything you know as to your case. The lawyer should know everything regarding your case if you want him to get success and compensation.

A sexual harassment attorney has required experience in order to figure out if you really have a case.

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