(Please note: the names and locations of all parties have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the participants in this brain injury/personal injury case and its proceedings.)
After Paul was discharged from the hospital, he attended outpatient rehabilitation for approximately three months. At this point it was clear that Paul was much slower to process information, had significant memory and motor-skills problems, and could not engage in many of the activities he used to enjoy. During the initial three-month recovery period, Paul suffered from daily severe headaches due to his brain trauma for which he treated with Vicodin.
Paul spent the remainder of his eighth-grade year in a homeschool program designed to help him during the recovery period. Paul attempted to go back to Sacramento Junior High School but he could not cope with the confusion and the chaos of a regular school program.
A teacher assigned from the Sacramento Unified School District came to the home two to three times per week to assist Paul with his school work. In ninth grade, Paul was home-schooled with the California Virtual Academy (an internet-based schooling program). Sherrie stayed home from work during this year to assist Paul with his recovery and learning.
At the beginning of Paul’s tenth-grade year in the fall of 2007, Paul participated in an independent studies homeschooling program affiliated with the Sacramento High School. The students in this program work from the home and visit the school once per week for grading and extra help. Paul did not function well in this program and the school representatives recommended that Paul return to Sacramento High School. Due to his severe cognitive impairment, Paul has been unable to successfully matriculate into Sacramento High School. Paul’s physicians have recommended an intensive residential based rehabilitation program, in which he is currently in the process of admission.