(Please note: the names and locations of all parties have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the participants in this wrongful death/personal injury case and its proceedings.)
Dr. Everstine has diagnosed the following emotional and psychological injuries secondary to the subject incident: 1) Paul Smith: PTSD; anxiety; major depression; phobia with respect to water consumption; 2) Steven Davis: PTSD; general anxiety disorder; major depression, agitated type ; 3) Mike Jones: PTSD; anxiety disorder; panic attacks; sleep disorder; major depression, agitated type.
Each of these men has experienced dramatic, intense and severe emotional and psychological injury due to the death of their co-contestant. Dr. Everstine opines that each will not only require years of therapy and medical management by a psychiatrist to recover, but that Mike Jones also should undergo couples counseling to help him learn how to effectively share his feelings with his spouse and others.
According to Dr. Everstine the discovery of such emotional trauma is the province of experts.
The fact that these individuals may not have articulated any particular symptoms does not mean the symptoms were not present immediately after the incident… “Such disclosures would not typically be made outside the confines of appropriate questioning by a trained professional.”
Rather, the victims of such trauma frequently suppress their symptoms, often until the underlying pathology finally drives them to acknowledge they have a problem that must be addressed. Declaration of Diana Everstine, Ph.D., incorporated herein as, Everstine Decl.” (See Part 5 of 6.)
For more information you are welcome to contact Sacramento personal injury lawyer, Moseley Collins.