Why Are Sacramento Medical Malpractice Cases Slow To Settle?

Sacramento medical malpractice cases are among the type of cases that lawsuit settlement firms take into consideration for pre-settlement funding. Usually, this includes personal injury caused by the negligence of a doctor during a surgery or medical operation. This means the doctor or the medical professionals did something wrong that caused harm to the patient. In such cases, a lawyer is hired by the victim as well as the defendant. At times, the case is taken to the court. The judge or jury listen to both of the lawyers. If the defendant is proven to be negligent then the damages are evaluated and a monetary compensation is rewarded to the victim.

Many patients who file a case against a medical doctor are eligible for case funds provided by private companies. The money is spent to pay for day-to-day expenses or to pay the extra bills related to filing a case against the company or firm. At times, medical malpractice lawsuits take a long period of time to send. On the other hand, slip and fall accidents or car accidents take a short period of time to reach settlement.


If the medical board or the jury finds that the doctor breached the standard of care or committed medical malpractice, then the jury can cancel the medical license of the doctor. When the case settles the amount of compensation can also be increased. Based on the complication of the case, the opposing party will exert more effort to win the case against you. Unlike these cases, slip and fall and other simple cases are easier to handle.

Another reason why these cases are hard or slow to settle is that hospital staff and doctors tend to prove their innocence. They do not consider it an act of malpractice or a blatant misdeed. But these type of mistakes are taken seriously; therefore, doctors and hospitals are reluctant to settle. They consider settlement as admitting that they are guilty.


In Sacramento medical negligence cases, a lot of document work is involved. In these cases, the lawyers at both sides take a considerable amount of time to study the medical records and monitory issues related to improperly done medical procedure. The lawyers have to study the information given in order to have a better understanding of the lawsuit. So, this is another reason why the case takes too long to settle.

Risk is associated with all types of medical procedures. However, some medical procedures are more likely have problems. Therefore, it is not easy to take such cases to the court in order to settle them as soon as possible. Of course, you need to spend more money to reach a settlement. Due to more risk, the lawyers will try their level best to fight the case in order to win it.