Doctor’s Negligence Results in Brain Injury to Baby

Today I would like to speak to you about a case that’s been on my mind for the past days. A doctor is being charged with “inadequate, irresponsible, inappropriate and sub-standard care” for his delivery of a baby. The result of his negligence caused the baby undue stress and subsequently was born with a severe brain injury. You can imagine how the parents must feel in such a situation.

The article reads that the mother was having a difficult delivery when the doctor took over. The doctor tried to deliver the baby via suction cap six times when the standard is only three. From here on, the doctor attempted to deliver the baby using forceps and then finally, gave the mother a cesarean which left her obliged to a long recovery period.

A representative of the General Medial Council of the UK stated that the doctor “should have carried out the operation after the third attempt at suction failed”. It is not understandable why he chose not to do so. This seems to indicate the there is an intention to take action against the doctor’s negligent actions.

After the suspicious delivery, the doctor was to be put on watch by his supervisors, but called for a compassion leave, saying he had to visit his sick mother in Egypt. He resigned shortly thereafter and never returned so it is unclear how he can be held accountable. And the parents, sadly, are the ones who know have to deal with the consequences. Not to mention the child.

It doesn’t have to be this way. If you or a loved one has ever suffered from the negligence of a doctor, please call the Law Offices of Moseley Collins. We are here to help you and your family.

For more information on this article, please click here.


Don’t Let Your Statute Of Limitations Run OutIn California, the law imposes a statute of limitations, which sets a maximum amount of time that legal proceedings can occur after the date the incident. Each year at our Law Office, people call me to ask me for help that have legitimate cases, only to find their statute of limitations has run out. It is one of the most difficult things for me to tell them I can’t help because they waited too long. Call Us For Help – (916) 444-4444

If you or a loved one have been injured by medical malpractice, you will need a lawyer with experience. Call us Moseley Collins. Moseley is a personal injury attorney serving those badly hurt throughout California and specializing in the cities of Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, and Los Angeles. There is no fee to discuss your case and there is no fee unless we win.

Moseley Collins
980 9th St, 16th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 444-4444

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