According to studies conducted recently, brain injury and concussion victims are more likely to commit crimes down the road. If the results of the studies are true, then we need to take care of the injuries our loved ones suffer while playing sports like football.
The truth of the matter is that the odds of head injury are higher when it comes to playing football. The same applies to other sports that involve the use of the head. Let us explain it further. In one season, a football players may receive up to 900 hits while playing football. According to an estimate, 25% football players sustain minor brain injury in a single season, and it excludes injuries that go unreported. Most football players do not let others know when they sustain a head injury because they do not want to be out of game.
Aside from that, a recent study discovered that brain injuries in youngsters with immature brains can contribute to some kind of disruption in social judgment, self-restraint and impulse control. Studies also revealed that around 60% prisoners have had some kind of head injury, and they were more likely to commit crime again. To find out about this matter, more studies will be conducted. The results of the studies proved that the prisoners with no brain injuries were less likely to commit crime.