When you get a quote for your auto insurance, you see one lump sum, but what exactly makes up that lump sum. You might be surprised to learn that the state laws of California actually have a lot to do with how much you pay for auto insurance. Certain laws…
Articles Posted in Lawyer
Brain Shunt Complications – What You Need To Know To Protect Yourself
Unfortunately, nothing is perfect in the medical field including medical providers, medications, medical devices and medical treatments. While medical providers and manufacturers of medical devices strive to provide the best services and products to patients, there will be complications and negligence in the medical field. Brain shunts are commonly used…
Auto Accidents With Pedestrians Involved
Picture this: you are driving through your town late on a Saturday night. Suddenly, something comes out into the road. It’s a person. You try to swerve, but it’s too late. You know you have made contact. That is almost exactly what happened on January 17, 2015. A 73-year-old woman…
Arroyo Grande California Nursing Home Sued
An Arroyo Grande nursing home, Casa Rosa Elder Care, is being sued after a 91 year old patient, Claire Trubo, fell and called for help for nearly three hours as she lay battered, bruised and bleeding, before the nursing home attendant woke from a nap and came to her assistance.…
What Are The Differences Between An MCO, HMO And PPO?
Health insurance can be a very complicated subject when you factor in the different types of insurance policies that are available to the public. Understanding the differences of the various insurance policies available is essential to choosing the right insurance policy for you. Managed Care Organization A Managed Care Organization…
Workman’s Compensation: How it Works
Workman’s compensation is a system put into place to pay injured workers to compensate medical bills due to injuries incurred on the job. That can also include anyone who gets an illness or becomes sick because of a work related issue. The laws governing workman’s compensation vary slightly from state…